Fancy Antiquities Altered Box




My muse for the project this week came from my love of antiquities and romance. I envisioned the project to be something a vintage lady may have on her bureau or the contents of the drawers where she kept treasures. I selected a soft and muted palette for my color scheme with just a hint of mauve, dusty purple and soft greens.


(1) I select a plain cigar box to construct my project within. The box measures approximately 11 inches tall by 7 inches. On the interior of the box, I added old sheet music and layered pattern papers in different widths using matte gel medium. I then added the Beautiful faces to the center of each piece.

(2)A old crocheted vintage doily was added to the center and random wooden thread spools to the bottom of the box. I glued these all in place with E6000.

(3) The Alterables were painted in a warm beige craft paint and then I applied the pattern paper over each using matte gel medium. Once the paper had dried onto the piece I went in with a craft knife and tiny scissors to trim away the access. The edges were softened using the Pan pastel along the edges.

(4)I attached a piece of seam binding and the old crystal prism to the bottom of the Fancy Paddle fan because I wanted it to resemble a vintage hand mirror. I also attached copper jewelry rings to the Fancy Banner. Little old fashioned buttons were added to the side and interior of the box as well.

Supplies Used:


6 thoughts on “Fancy Antiquities Altered Box

  1. Outstanding Nancy!

  2. Rhonda Cable

    Another spectacular piece!!!!

  3. Cat Kerr

    So very beautiful Nancy!!

  4. Gorgeous!

  5. Julie Loeschke

    Wonderful as always!

  6. Oh my gosh, Nancy. These take my breathe away! Love them both!

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