An Ode to Paddle Fans

As the old saying goes:
Horses sweat –
Men perspire –
and Ladies glow…

I don’t know how your Summer is going, but if I were to glow any brighter, I would be a lighthouse.  Fortunately, technology has come to our rescue there.  But what about our fore bearers? Fans, of course!

Our focus in this project will be a particular type of fan.  Decorative and ultimately portable, we will be making paddle fans.


During the latter part of the 19th century, as color printing became more accessible, businesses looked for new and unique ways to use this resource to advertise their wares.  The advertising paddle fan was born!  These fans were handed out to customers and also to the public during events like parades and revival meetings.

In designing this project, I’ve taken the liberty of stretching the concept to include public venues in addition to commercial enterprise.  All with a PaperWhimsy-ical touch!   Gale has graciously designed the ad label sheet just for this project!  You can download the ads HERE.

The day is warming up, so lets get started on these little hands full of relief!


1. Print fan shapes from pdf.  You can download the fan template HERE.

2. Trace shapes onto chip board and cut out (a great – and cheap -source for chipboard is your own cupboard.  Cereal boxes!)

3. I decided to leave a border of decorative paper around my collage, so I covered my fan shape with paper and then trimmed the fan pattern back 1/4″ all around to use when cutting my completed image.

4. Print and cut out images as desired.  Now,have fun!  Play with the shapes, layering to give the illusion of depth and distance.  Ink the image edges if you like.  When satisfied, glue images down, being mindful that focal images must be within the fan shape or overlap a bit onto the border.  See my examples for inspiration.

5. Cover the back as desired.  Apply the label toward the top of the fan back, avoiding the handle area.

6. Using heavy duty wet glue such as Tacky Glue, leave about 4 1/4″ extending below fan and attach handle to the center back.   Allow to dry under a weight.


Enjoy and keep cool in whimsical style!

Jules xo

PS Gale has a few paddles available. If you place an order that requires shipping, mention paddles in the comments of your order and she’ll add a few to your package. This is for orders that require shipping, only… and the supply is a limited so first come, first served.

Suggested supplies:

10 thoughts on “An Ode to Paddle Fans

  1. Heather C.

    These are cute! Now, if I could just find somebody to do the fanning for me while I work on my art project…

  2. Julie these are Beautiful and Fun all at once!! Love them!~

  3. chris thuerk

    Julie your collage designs are SUPER wonderful!

  4. Cynthia


  5. Marjorie

    These are just wonderful.. can remember similar fans tucked into the book holders in church when I was a kid. Hot, humid Iowa, lots of fanning going on during the sermon.
    Thanks so much for the gift of the designs.

  6. Pandora

    Such a fun little project! Thanks for sharing all the downloads!

  7. Sherry B

    These are fantastic! I love it! Thanks!

  8. Diane

    These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Julie Loeschke

    Thanks to everyone for your kind comments!

  10. theresa

    WOW these are beautiful. I want to make one now.

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