Find Your Wings

By Michelle Talley



Hello again! So here we are, and it is June already. Summer is here, and so is my June project. It is a little bit about personal growth and nature. June makes me think about tending my garden. You have to spend time making sure that you are giving it the attention it needs to make sure things grow and thrive. So often we don’t tend to ourselves as carefully. So this is project is about investing the time in ourselves to make sure we thrive, to believe that we can… whatever that entails. So lets all find our wings, and soar.

From PaperWhimsy:

Amazing Alterables™ Victorian Birdcage

Amazing Alterables™ Small Embellishment Butterflies

Amazing Alterables™ Word Banners


Other supplies: Copper and green paint, Cream paste paint, Brown wax paint, Brown pigment powder, Stamp and brown ink pad, Super Glue, Small bit of wire, Text


This was a pretty quick process, I painted everything with the green paint and before it dried I mushed some of the copper paint over it with a cloth. When it was dry I used the brown wax paint to age the base. I glued everything together with Super Glue. Next step was using the stamp and ink on the base.

I cut out my text and glued them on the banner, and used some of the powdered paint to grunge it up. I used the cream paste paint on the butterflies and rubbed a bit on the birdcage too. While the butterflies were still damp I brushed on some of the brown pigment.

While that was drying I used a small bit of wire to attach the top of the door to the birdcage. Then on went the butterflies, again using the Super Glue.

So here’s to spreading our wings a bit this summer, and see where it might take us!

Just remember the sun screen….

Ciao, Michelle