Sea Siren by Michelle Talley

Happy March to all! I like March, it is quirky and unpredictable, we think that spring is on its way. The snow is melting and we dream of planting flowers. Then we get hit with a blizzard, not a DQ Blizzard, which I love, but the kind with big gobs of snow. And we remember, oh yea, it’s March…. so like a lot of folks, we pack a suitcase and head for a beach, and warm weather. And so my project for this fickle month of March is centered around the beach, a lovely Sea Siren, and She Sells Sea Shells By The Sea Shore….




Supplies from PaperWhimsy:

Curious Character Niche

Royalty # 13


Other bits: E6000 glue, Copper patina paint and activator, Rusted wire, Small sea shells


I started by painting all of the parts of the Curious soon to be beach babe with the patina paint. You need to do a fairly heavy first coat and wait for it to dry, I know, who likes to wait, but you must! Once it is dry, you go over it with a lighter coat of paint, and while it is still wet-ish, spray it with the activator. Then you wait for it to dry. I really like this process because you never know how the finish will turn out, but it is always very cool! I used E6000 glue to assemble our beach babe, and rusted wire to attach the arms. She just has to be beautiful and serene, so I used the lovely Royalty #13 sheet for her face.

She has a crown made of sea shells, and scattered around the base is some lovely white sand and sea shells. And while vendors walk the beach selling cold water and ice cream that will melt faster than it can be consumed, She Sells Sea Shells By The Sea Shore….


Michelle xo